
Monday, February 1, 2010

Family & Getting Personal - Lexie's Life Song

Family - the word can stir up so many different emotions for people. For some, family is everything and stirs up warm memories. For some, family may bring up emotions and memories of what was lacking. I think we are placed in the family we are in for very specific reasons. I don't believe it's by chance. Yes, no family is perfect and yes, there is some bad that comes along with the good. But, I believe we can use every situation that we have been in to grow and learn and bless others.

I was reading Lanie's post from Lanie J & Co. recently about being encouraged by her readers to get personal. Believe it or not, being "real" to others can have a profound effect. It encourages others that, yes, they are not alone in the trials, ups and downs, and challenges in life. Yes, those who seemlingly are so perfect from the outside, have the same struggles, hopes, dreams and insecurities as you. Being transparent is not always easy but I know that by doing so you can bless and help others beyond what you have ever imagined. One of those people who has no idea how she has encouraged and blessed others is my sister, Vonda. She lost her sweet adult daughter, Kyla, to brain cancer a few years back. Not only is my sister a talented writer (she would never admit it) but she has opened her journey through this most difficult situation with others. She writes about many things, is very funny, and I love all her posts. But the ones that touch my heart the most are the ones where she opens the window of her soul and lets us inside her journey of healing. Here is one of my favorite posts.

And to continue the challenge of sharing to hopefully bless and encourage others, I wanted to link you to a post about my journey through the most difficult time in my life. This is a post I wrote quite a while back on a blog I do with my sisters. You see, I have a blessing from Heaven that was not supposed to be here. A child that was given no chance of survival, that I was encouraged to abort ..... so here it goes, I'm going to be vulnerable and transparent. Hopefully this will bless and encourage some of you..... Lexie's Life Song

If this post has blessed and encouraged you, please pay it forward and be encouraged to "get personal".


Creations by Kara


  1. Thank you for being so brave and sharing such a personal part of your life. I couldn't stop the tears from taking over. I was so very touched by you and your family's faith. What a beautiful miracle. Thank you again.

  2. To see our little Lexi, our butterfly, walking, talking, EATING, smart as can be and wickedly funny makes me so happy. You are so strong and without you daily pushing through there would have been a much sadder outcome, I am sure. Yes I miss Kyla so much and not a day goes by that I don't think of her but you are right that sharing sometimes helps others to just know they are not alone. I love you sis.

  3. Thank you so much for sharing Lexie's story. It has blessed me in knowing that God is all powerful and is still in the miracle business. You have a beautiful little girl and I'm sure you will be blessed for sharing your story.

  4. Thank you for posting your link to Lexi's Life Song. I appreciate what a challenge it can be to share something that is such a part of who you truly are. As I read your post, I think it is the closest I have ever come to being able to truly experience what my mother must have gone through when I was born with hydroencephaly and was given no chance for survival. When I did continue to live, doctors advised my mother that I would never develop even basic milestone skills as I was severely mentally retarded.

    Although I do have some medical challenges to deal with, I too am the child who wasn't supposed to be. And I am so grateful for my life. And the opportunity to touch others' lives.

    Your post led me also to thinking of my medically fragile son's "life song." He has always lived knowing that his life will be shorter than most. Yet such an exquisite blessing he has been in my life and the lives of so many others. I intend to pay it forward and "get personal" about his story on my blog. Just as soon as I am sufficiently brave.

    On a lighter your family blocks. Planning to post a tutorial? I am not craft savvy, but fancy myself becoming so someday. Bless you.

  5. Very Cute! Thanks for sharing and linking up at Trendy Treehouse!

  6. I was reading today that God gives us the children he gives us not so much for them but He has something He wants to teach us through them. I like the way you made the word `family`. It shows how we're all different within the family, yet we all need each other so we can be complete.

  7. Thank you - I would love to make one for my baby using her name. This looks so pretty! :)

  8. I love the family blocks! Your right family's are not perfect but they are WONDERFUL! : )

  9. Those are amazing!!! I love the color scheme you used! Thanks for sharing!! I can't wait to make some!
